20 Aralık 2024 Cuma

Walk with me to my blackened room,
I'll follow you wherever,
I don't need to be brave, as I fear nothing when it's you I am with.

Help me light the lights,
One by one,
With your fire,
With the fire in your soul,
The fire that burnt me too deeply,
Sank deep into places I didn't know could burn,
And consumed me whole.

Even now, years later,
I am still trying to figure out,
Why I'm still clawing at the air,
Why I still can't breathe,
Why the scars still refuse to fade.

I wish I could have said:
Let it be your fire that burnt me.
But now I see,
You lost it to someone else,
You shone, and you ashed.

If I had been brave enough,
I might have shared that fire with you,
The one that was once yours,
Because I am still burning inside,
With yours,
And yours alone.

17 Haziran 2024 Pazartesi

I hate it

I hate it
I hate being in the same country with you

I need you away from me
I hate knowing the air you breath gets closer
Because I've chosen to stay away from you
And I hate that you are disrupting my plans
Knowingly or else, I hate it, and this hate is all that's left

I hate the fact that I hate it
Because I don’t want it
But I won’t fight with it either
I am not going to bother to make peace with it
Because I am too disoriented to fight with whatever you do or don’t do
I am tired when it is this
This, I hate

And this hate
It is the fire that burns the water
It is the sparkle in the predator’s eye
And it is as pure as droplets on glass, swaying purposeless

Take that glass
And sink it deep into your chest
Take that pain
And turn it into hate
And that’s the only feeling you’ve left me with
And that’s why I hate it and hate to hate it

I can’t even bear the thought of seeing you
In my country, my territory
Because it belongs to me
All these views and tastes you cherish, they are all mine and mine only

And let me remind you
I have all the dreams you wish to come true for yourself
And I have everything that you have and wish to have
All these, they are all mine
And mine only

I hate that this is all in my head
And you are the one who ignites it

And I hate it, not you.

8 Eylül 2023 Cuma

A vintage feeling

So you ask "what happened"?

What happened is we were never meant to be in this life. But there is something so familiar with you, with us, that I am almost convinced that we already had a past together, but just not this time. 

I loved you, I lived you and I died with you. And that's it. There's nothing left of it.

Even though I don't know you that much, I actually know you. And I know that you feel the same way about me. Without telling me, I just know.

And I also know you are not the most sentimental type and me speaking of these bore you. When you go home, lay down on your bed and re-think the things I told you, I know you'll take down your guard and feel it.

Then, take that feeling,

And burn it.

Because we don't need anything left of it.

In this life. 

We've already consumed us.

In another life.


26 Haziran 2023 Pazartesi

If you were a river

There are clouds in your hair
They sometimes shone as if in a bright sky and sometimes looked so grey as if they were about to rain 

You shone back then, 
and you knew it, 
you couldn't even rain

If you were a river, I would think that you stopped flowing a long time ago, maybe even 30 years back 
And you were getting drier and drier every day, reluctantly 
Only some birds checked on you, but that also wasn't something you bothered
What did you really want? 
You just watched, not knowing what to do about all of these
If you could only wake up from your haze for a tiny bit, you would realize it was your own mud blocking the water from flooding

I, from time to time, visit where that dry river once was and fill the emptiness with some tears

I am not angry at you. But I am angry at the water that could have made it all colorful for you. 

Like if these make sense at all. 

10 Mart 2023 Cuma

Mavi gozlu kadin

Evinin karanlik koridorundan salona dogru bakiyorum. Salonunun isigi kapali. Evin 1. katta, ve salon caminin hemen onunde bir sokak lambasi var. O sari lamba tum salonu aydinlatiyor. Tasarruf etmek icin mi isigini kapali tutardin yoksa aydinlik mi sevmiyordun? Sanirim tasarruf icindi, degil mi? Sen severdin tasarrufu, esantiyon verilen esyalari, bedava verilen urunleri, yerden buldugun minik seyleri. Sanirim bu huyum senden geliyor. 

Koridorda durmus sana dogru bakiyorum, sense o camdan sokaga dogru bakiyorsun. Ne cok baktin o sokaga, degil mi? Televizyon izler gibi geleni geceni sabahtan aksama kadar izledin. O iki perde arasindan sokagi izleyerek gecti bir omrun. Sana geldigimde asagidan el sallardim heo, sen o perdeler arasindan bakip gulup, el sallardin. O goruntunu hic unutmayacagim. Senden donerken arabaya bindigimizde sana el salladik, sen de karsilik verirdin. Arabanin icinden el salladigimizi gercekten gorur muydun yoksa bu bir tesauf muydu hep merak ettim. Sanirim goruyordun ama bu merasim yillar icinde bir aliskanlik haline de gelmisti. Sen belki de hala oradasin, ve evine geldigimde yine bana camdan gulumseyeceksin.

En son ne zaman evine geldim? En son ne zaman sana o koridordan baktim? En son ne zaman bana "yumurta yapayim mi sana" diye sordun, ben de sana "ben yumurta sevmem ki" dedim? En son ne zaman karsilikli Turk kahvesi ictik, ben mi yaptim, sen mi, yoksa annem mi? En son ne zaman sana su boregi getirdim? Seni en son ne zaman optum? Iste bunu hatirliyorum, cunku garip bir sekilde o anin son oldugunu biliyordum. Bu seni son gorusum dedim icimden, ama bu fikri savusturdum. Evet biliyorum yasliydin ve kendine hic iyi davranmiyordun ve belki bunun aklimdan gecmesi mucizevi bir sey degildi ama ben bunun gerceklesecegini hic dusunmedim. Bunun gerceklesecegi ani ya da ondan sonrasini hic dusunmedim. 

Sen artik yoksun ve ben bunu algilayamiyorum. Cunku sen hep vardin. Sen hep oradaydin. Ben kendimi bildim bileli, sen hep o penceredeydin ve hep o evdeydin ve ben senin var olmama ihtimalini hic dusunmemistim bile. Yemege her oturdugumuzda calan telefon sesiydin, tuten sigaraydin, gozlerime baktigimda gozlerini gordugumdun, yuksek sesli televizyon sesiydin, muzur sakalardin.

Nasil öldün anneanne? Nasil ölürsün? 
Belki de hala evindesin, degil mi? Belki de su anda karanlik salonunun koltugunda uyukluyorsun, sabah erkenden kalkip bir seyler yiyeceksin, peynir ve ekmek belki de, kahveni iceceksin, sonra annemle konusacaksin, disariyi izleyeceksin, televizyona bakacaksin, durmadan sigara iceceksin. Bu dusunce o kadar tatli ki, kendimi buna inandirip uzuntumu bastiriyorum. Anlik bir umut kirintisindan sonra, yine aci hissediyorum. 

Ben sen hep orada olacaksin sanmistim. Ama tek gercek, senin var olmayisin. Tek gercek, senin bedenini, toprain altina koymus olmamiz. Ve avuclarimla, uzerine toprak atmis olmam. Bir mezar tasinda adinin yaziyor olmasi. Simdi bu gercekligin butun bosluguyla zaman geciyor, ve seninle gecirdigim tum anlardan, her an, uzaklasiyorum. O koridor artik benim hatirladigim koridor degil, aksamlari salonda isik yaniyor ve artik o pencereden baskalari bakiyor. Bense seninle olan tum anilarimdan her an uzaklasiyorum. Evinin bulundugu mahalleye bile ne zaman adim atabilecegimi bilmiyorum. Evinin onune gelip, seni orada goremeyecek olmak, sanirim beni baska bir yerden daha yaralayacak. Su anda buna hazir degilim.

Bana "aglama anneannem" dedigini duyuyorum. Agliyorum iste anneanne, ne yapayim, uzgunum. 
Oldukten sonra bir yer varsa eger, biliyorum ki sen orada daha mutlusun. Belki de arkada Kanaryam guzel kusum caliyor, sen de eslik ediyorsun. Burada yasayamadigin tum anlari doyasiya yasiyorsun. Gencligini ariyordun ya hep, eminim ki istedigin yastasin. Guzelliginle isik saciyorsun anneanne, biliyorum, gozlerin parliyor. Umarim dedemle kavusmussunuzdur, umarim ona beni anlatiyorsundur. Biliyorum ki tanisaydim onunla cok iyi anlasirdim, umarim bunu ona soyluyorsundur. 

Senin orada oldugunu bilmek ölümü daha az korkutucu hale getiriyor.
Senden bir parcayi ruhumda tasiyorum. Seni hep sevdim, hep sevecegim.

Operim seni, kucaklarim seni anneanem. Allah'a emanet ol.

8 Temmuz 2022 Cuma

hi there

 Wow, it's been a while :)

I squeezed many memories, heartbreaks, disappointments, drunken chats and some carried-away moments here. 

Looking at my older writings, I see that I'm still asking the same questions about life even after 11 years. Ironic, fun and I guess sad?

Anyways, I live in a different country now and have a more predictable life. At least I answered some of my questions from the past, and now life is complicated on a different level. 


15 Mayıs 2019 Çarşamba

Because I just cannot be beautiful, smart, fun, strong, thoughtful, kind, caring, available, mindful, focused, happy, spiritual, free, inspirational, self-confidant, elegant, aware, polite, wise, witty all the goddamn time.